Sunday, July 27, 2008

My friend Doreen Peru Pictures and Life in general Art and photos NEW BLOG! Living in Balance

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Tree of life 2

More inspiration from my vacation

Inspiration from the West

More Nature

Thank you more

Thank you to Scott Thompson for sharing you gifts and knowledge with me. Thank you for opening doors that have been a wonderful inspiration.

thank you

I would like to take time to thank people in my life who have been a friend and an inspiration to continue to create. I will include there web site links as I get the time to establish this blog.

For inspiration in photography- Thank you to Rob Goldman and Jerry Lucido. An especially big Thank you to Jerry who has helped me to digitally capture my art work in order to add them to this blog and apply for a Masters in Art Therapy in the fall.

Thank you to Sharon and Sharon for continuous inspiration in life and art.

Thank you to all my friends and family who have been there, Theresa, Pat, Sharon, Helene, Doreen, Susan, Patty Curls, Susan, Cindy, Jana, Giselle.....

Thank you to all my yoga teachers and yoga Friends- Basia, Margo, Sylvia, Patty and Jeff Logan

Thank you to Doreen who is an artist, Friend and yogi!
Thank you to the musicians who play live music. Singer songwriters are an inspiration to me because they express how they feel through their music Sloan Wainwright, Chris Brown (local Westchester famous to us!) Marc Berardo.
Thank you to Tommy Lafferty who has always been a friend and a musician who has stayed true to his art.
Thank you to Christine who is my niece and the best BUB and a wonderful artist!
Thank you to anyone I have missed on this list, you know my memory is not what it used to be...
Thank you to my family who have created an environment for me to learn all of this and the gifts that I have been given.

expressions 6

I have always loved collage and now I have included my photography in my collage work. Some of these images are cut out and many are my photographs. Collages are another great way for me to express all of the things that are important images in my life. I also find it great to look at in my home so I can be reminded of the life that I am creating...

expressions 5

Sometimes I paint from photographs

expressions 4

Creating this was a true reflection of the joy that was beaming from inside me.


Mandalas are circular drawings that have been used since ancient cultures. I feel mandalas are a good way for me to calm down, relax and connect... Images, transformation, insight, meaning...

expressions 2

When I am in an environment where painting an image that other people recognize I try to do my best but this is not my favorite art to do. I prefer the freedom of expressive art where there are no expectations, limits, judements. I guess this relates to life... I prefer environments where I am free to be me...

thick chunky colors of feelings

The palette knife and thick oil paint together allow me to connect to an essense.


Sometimes I am not aware of how I feel until I begin my art. Art allows me to coonect to something. While creating I have access to so many insights, it is as if I have this clear line of communication with a deeper truth.

my expressions

Art to me is an expression of how I feel. I begin with no preset plnas or ideas. I allow my intuition to guide me in cloosing colors and designs.

life in nature

my art

expressions of how I feel

Friday, July 04, 2008

July 4

Independence... I value my Independence as a person. I have traveled to the beat of a different drummer for most of my life. I love artsy people, musicians and real people. I love nature, flowers, trees and mountains. On a recent vacation I traveled to the national parks in Arizona and Utah- what a fabulous vacation.